Lost Time

2ch HD video, 2ch sound | 2 min | 2018


"It was a fairly typical flânerie; I'm looking at the sky over Berlin's Tiergarten – in a slightly different way than Walter Benjamin used to. Methinks: Do the clouds look like the ones in America? As I'm typing 'route66' into the search field, Maps somehow suggests Interstate 40 instead. I walk up and down the highway, looking at cars and the desert surrounding them. Suddenly, everything goes dark." 

Lost time is documentation of a complex glitch within Google's Street View service, creating an unreal space.

Cast & Crew

Franz Milec / editing, animation

Selected Exhibitions

Visions, Galerie Berlínskej Model / Prague, Czechia
Visions, Aa Collections Gallery / Vienna, Austria

Tech Rider

HD projector or large HD TV screen
2.0 sound system
media player with HDMI output