Head First

HD video, 2ch sound | 4 min | 2018


For one generation, these images looked like a movie; for the following generations, movies looked like these images. As the disaster no longer attacks the viewer these days, it has become constantly present in the 24-hour flow of collective consciousness. Flashes of destruction are distributed inbetween moments of dullness and tranquility, leaving a sense of unreality.

The video tries to find a way to read a city in which the everyday is interrupted by a premeditated disaster. It shows the dynamics of the media landscape and its manipulation with the boundaries of reality - instead of presenting the facts, it offers an illusion to subsequently limit our imagination.

The video belongs to the disaster porn genre, and the video’s wide format mimics blockbuster cinema and its obsession with the mbrutal and morbid, but the cinematic proportions are changed to create tension. Realism is not important - what is, is a sense of plausibility, as present for example in Gerhard Richter's works. The animation and complex motion of the camera were created in the Unity3D game engine.


Cast & Crew

Franz Milec / 3D design, animation, sound

Selected Exhibitions

Data Science / Science Fiction / Double Feature / Toronto, Canada
Mists of dreams drip along the nascent echo and love no more, Galerie AMU
/ Prague, Czechia

Tech Rider

HD projector or large HD TV screen
2.0 sound system
media player with HDMI output